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Packard Tract Pine-Oak Habitat Restoration and the Kirtland’s Warbler Download as iCal file
Saturday 08 June 2024, 08:00am

In June of 2022 a number of singing Kirtland's Warbler males were found in the Packard tract and some lucky people got to see them. The hope is that some of these males will have mated and reared some offspring who will, in turn, show up in 2024. There are lots of other birds to see, along with wild flowers and butterflies.

Easy walk, lots of water and snacks

Location Meet at 8.00 a.m. at the end of 9th Line, access off Hwy. 90 west
Contact Jim Coey
Please park along the east side of the road north of the gate and not in the turn aronnd area.